Tissue World Miami is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC


Getting to Tissue World Miami

It doesn't matter if you’re coming to the event by plane, car, or public transport, getting to and from the Miami Beach Convention couldn't be easier with our instructions. Find out everything you need to know about getting to Tissue World Miami below, and booking a hotel.


Miami Beach Convention Center

1901 Convention Centre Drive 

Miami Beach 

FL 33139

By Public Transport

The following transit lines has transportation routes passing near Miami Beach Convention Center 112, 115, 119, MB-MID.

By Car

There are three major causeways: I-395 (McArthur Causeway), I-195 (Julia Tuttle Causeway), and Venetian Causeway.

By Air

The Miami International Airport is the closest airport to the venue, which is approximately ten miles west of the Convention Center.

Contact Us

If you need any additional information on travelling to Miami Beach Convention for Tissue World, feel free to get in touch with us and one of our team will get back to you shortly. For more general enquiries, please check our FAQ page.